There is good news for 30-year old's and beyond looking for some fresh ideas. We have put together a list of wardrobe updates to make by age 30, through 40, and even 50. These are not meant to be hard and fast rules, but rather an inspirational guide full of fashion inspiration you can replicate. 
By age 30, your wardrobe should be well-stocked with basics, and you should have some accessories in your closet (have you stopped wearing pins?). You should also be online shopping regularly and have a good idea of how to research a new piece of clothing before buying it. At this age, the quality of your accessories are as important as their quantity. Remember that quality usually costs more than the low-quality junk you would buy at Forever 21 or H&M. Shopping online offers a great way to try-on clothes and get an idea of what something looks like on without overspending for shipping.
Wisdom Gbaniyi